Adreinne Waheed: The Audacity to Thrive

The Audacity to Thrive


The first museum exhibition of Waheed’s work, The Audacity to Thrive explores the boldness of African-descended peoples, who thrive in the face of challenges. 

When was the last time you heard someone say, “And they had the audacity to...”?

To have the audacity or to be audacious means that one is shamelessly bold, unafraid to offend conventional ways of thinking and living. Without question, Black communities across the diaspora represent the epitome of audacity as we consistently defy the restrictions society places on us. 

For over 40 years, Adreinne Waheed has captured the various ways that Black people around the globe live audaciously. Her first museum exhibition, The Audacity to Thrive surveys Waheed’s brilliant visualization of African descendent peoples and our audacity to not only live, but to most importantly THRIVE. 


  1. extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless.​

  2. extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive.